


距离上一次收拾已有一个星期,今天卷土重来,收拾了一天, 东西仍然这么多,弃之可惜、食之无味、存之无处。

同事们看着我、除了摇头, 还是摇头。

我看着自己, 摇头之后, 仍是摇头。

百感交集, 十三年的财产, 怎能说扔就扔?一个熟悉的地方, 怎能说走就走?相处了十三年的同事, 怎么说都有感情连线,怎么可能说散就散?

4 条评论:

匿名 说...

teacher, i can feel that you are a bit moody. Hope that you are alright.. perhaps u feel hard to leave ur home and family, to further ur course at University...
but you used to say to me, one or two years seemed to be long, but in fact they passed very fast, faster than you estimated.. so teacher, be tough ya! I am always here to support u, although i cannot do anything for you, but when you need someone to listen to you, pls promise that you will message me.. i will surely reply u at FIRST minute.. Trust me, puan tang.. take care and i miss u .. =)

squaretree22 说...

我是真的很舍不得这所学校, 舍不得这个环境, 但, 你该是误会了。 我若开始读书, 应该是没在那留宿, 我不可能抛下家人读书, 最大可能是来回校园与家园, 辛苦一些, 没关系。这个磨练, 我准备接受。这就是为什么我申请在马大就读啊! :D

匿名 说...

oh, you are not going to stay there during the study process? haha, that is great. But then it will be more tiring for you, to rush to KL and rush back to Teluk Pulai few times a week. So, take care ya, and drive safely on the road... =)
All the best, puan tang!

squaretree22 说...
